Project management assistance / contracting authority support
Assistance with contracting authority and project management
Assitance with contracting authority and project management
Defining the project :expressingcustomer (or user) needs, conducting the opportunity study, feasibility study, drafting specifications, CCTP, impact and risk assessment, etc.
Project management :leading working groups, coordinating work (joint inspection visits), recommending and validating paint systems, for example, taking part in tests and inspections, acceptance testing (checking that the project complies with the requirements set out in the specifications), training users or paint appliers, managing change or improving the project, etc.
Steering :development and production of indicators, monitoring of project progress, planning and deadlines, physical verification of the va rious phases of the project, preparation and/or chairing of steering committees, quality monitoring, etc.
The presence of MATEXIS as an assistant to the contracting authority is advisable whenever you identify a risk in terms of project management, particularly in the following cases :
Lack of project management skills or time.
Need to bring in expertise during the life of a project.
Need to organise specific skills for the duration of a project, to ensure it is managed.
Nature of the assignment entrusted to the service provider : for example, the use of an external consultant is essential for an audit or project acceptance.
Matexis can also perfom the following functions, depending on your needs:
Helping to define strategic objectives and functional and technical needs in the light of the client's requirements.
Identifying constraints and quality requirements in relation to user expectations;
Identify the organisational consequences within the project;
Ensuring that all aspects of the project are feasible to implement, as well as guaranteeing coordination and management throughout the life of the project.
Recommending and assisting with the choice of solution and service providers where appropriate;
Checking and accepting the services provided by the project manager, as well as those provided by contractors and subcontractors, where applicable, from the preliminary design specification phase, the drafting of specifications through to the completed works file.