Thanks to our qualified staff, we can guarantee the quality and safety of your equipment through classic non destructive testing. Visual inspection and control, porosity control, and above all ACFM (Alternating Current Field Measurement).
MATEXIS conducts daily thickness measurements, ensuring precise measurements across a wide range of materials. Our digital thickness gauges are equipped with a variety of features, ensuring cutting-edge performance for a wide spectrum of corroded materials.
The ACFM (Alternative Current Field Measurement) technique can be used to detect fatigue cracks.
This test is an alternative to magnetic particle inspection and has the advantage of not needing to
remove sediments beforehand. This testing technique can be used without contact or coupling.
This inspection method enables defects to be detected without stripping and can be applied through
paint and non conductive coatings up to 5 mm thick, without any specific surface preparation. The results are, of course, recorded digitally.
The equipment used is a portable direct current (DC) device for detecting porosity and discontinuities in coatings. This test detects the existence of porosities in a paint coating system of any thickness applied to a metallic substrate. Porosities lead to rapid degradation of the coating and the appearance of
premature oxidation. The porosity test consists of imposing a potential difference between a detector
(wet sponge or brush electrode) and the metal of the structure. As paint is considered to be
insulating, current leaks will be interpreted as discontinuities in the coating such as pitting, pinholes,
voids, cracks, under thickness or inclusions, significantly reducing its dielectric strength. The thickness
of the coating determines the choice of equipment and the technique to be used : Wet or low
voltage sponge detector or high voltage electric broom.